6 Basic Tasks for Moving

trainerjanadmin Housing Leave a Comment


Sometimes you just need a basic list, right? Well this is as basic as it gets!

  • Give thirty days’ notice to vacate current residence
  • Collect boxes and packing materials
  • Pack all of your belongings
  • Get all your utilities turned off in current location and on in new location
  • Submit a change of address to the U.S. Post Office
  • Arrange to transport your belongings from one place to the next

Give thirty days notice

Generally speaking, there will be a form that your landlord will require you fill out when you want to move. Get that form and be sure to read it over before you leave the office just in case you have questions. There’s nothing worse that getting hit with some sort of fine because you didn’t fill something out correctly and you missed that detail in the fine print.

Collect boxes and packing materials

The cheapest way to do this is to hit up a cashier at your local grocery or drug store. They can tell you when they get shipments and are usually happy to give away the boxes so they don’t have to break them down.

Pack all of your belongings

Do yourself a HUGE favor and label your boxes! I strongly suggest marking each box with the room name. There's nothing worse than getting into a new apartment and not being able to find the toilet paper!

Get all your utilities turned on/off

Much of this can be done online. Just be sure to call at least two weeks ahead of time, you never know if there’s a waiting list for the electric company. Cable and internet companies are the worst! If you can plan 3-4 weeks out, do it!

Submit a Change of Address

This can be done online or in person. I think online is easier but it will cost you a dollar or two, payable with a credit card. The Post Office prefers you give at least a week’s notice, but I like to do this two weeks out as well. Call me paranoid.

Arrange to transport all of your belongings

Seriously, think about how much stuff you have and decide if you need to rent a U-Haul truck/van or if you can just use a couple of pick-up trucks. Keep in mind that not all of your friends are just sitting around waiting for you to move so they can help.


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