Am I the World’s Biggest Fool?

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Can Love Really Conquer All?

When we fall in love we all believe that "Love can conquer all." And that may be true when it comes to a lot of emotional situations and probably many of life's challenges.

HOWEVER...when it comes to finances, love always take a back seat to state laws governing marriage and divorce.

This article describes one woman's crazy experience in Florida. Where things get tricky for those of us who fall out of love occassionally, is every state has different laws regarding who gets what when it comes to dividing up property and money. So who's to say if this woman would be better off in say, Michigan or Texas? I don't know. Maybe you do...?

Read on...

Dear Quentin,

My husband and I have been together for 28-plus years, and married for three. We have lived in Florida for seven years. He now wants a divorce. I stayed home with our kids for six years, and the other years I held positions in retail while our kids were in school. We never lived near family so this was our agreement to make life work. I made around $30,000 a year during that time.

We got married three years ago when my husband was having health issues. He was concerned I may have problems accessing his pension, 401(k), Social Security, etc. Well, he is going to be fine. He’s feeling so fine that he now wants a divorce. He says I’m not entitled to any of his retirement, alimony, properties or assets because we have only been married for three years.

There are so many things to consider when you think about getting married...

A lot of situations may not cross your mind when you're just out of high school or college. Trust me, odds are good that you'll live a lot longer than that (into your 40's and 50's or probably longer) so you'll end up facing all kinds of things you never even dreamed of. That's when you'll get to see how different people and financial situations can change your way of thinking in heartbeat.

Sounds kind of scary and overwhelming, doesn't it? Just get prepared though, and you'll be fine. Your knowledge is your super power!

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