I just watched this incredible documentary on how hospital billing works and I now understand why so many of our hospitals are being forced to shut down. The result, of course, is less available urgent care, higher mortality rates, and, surprisingly enough, rising crime rates. Speaking of the Business of LIFE!!! So that made me think, am I the only …
President’s proposal to block production of gas ranges
Click picture to read source article.How does this affect you and your personal household economy?1. Your JobsDo you or any of your family members work for the companies that make these gas ranges? Guess which companies will be making fewer to no gas ovens/ranges when they are outlawed. And who’ll be losing their jobs when said companies will have to …
Have You Received Your Tax Forms Yet?
Click here to learn more about taxes in our Business of Life Skills Module: Income TaxesIf you worked any part of last year or collected any money from anyone including the government, you should have one of two of these tax forms in your hot little hands by now. By law, you should’ve had them by January 31st. Yeah, I …
What You Should Know About Tariffs
Click this button to Save and Share a copy of this article. In the small example shown here, American farmers are losing big time: The only people making money on milk produced in America is Canada. Unless of course, the farmers can pass on some of the cost to their neighbors, also known as, citizens of the US. They do …
Closing The capital gains “loophole”: Who does it really hurt?
Since I am only addressing the capital gains tax laws for real estate, the answer is, “Every single homeowner in America regardless of your income!” The capital gains laws only became a “loophole” when a certain presidential candidate started calling it that in his campaign commercials. Before we get into the nitty gritty on how it’s a good thing for …
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